Wanderer's Ambition

Legendary Dual Blades


♦ While Inner Focus is active, you deal +X% damage and enemies deal +X% damage to you.


♦ Three Randomized Secondary Effects

Wanderer's Ambition are Dual Blades in Godfall. Dual Blades are two dagger-like swords that suit an agile and fast combat style. All Weapons in Godfall have randomized Damage types which can vary between Earth, Fire, Physical, Void, and Water.


The Immortal Wanderer was a legendary Valorian who famously fought against the Unification, believing it to be a war driven by greed and a desire to oppress. After the Wanderer slew Dawn Lord Ariana, he was pursued by Valorian forces to the edge of the world. Of the hundred pursuing knights only one would return, bearing the Wanderer's famous swords as proof of his demise.

Wanderer's Ambition Techniques

Hit Enemies with your Dual Blades to charge up your Inner Focus bar. The charge gradually drains over time.

  • Northern Technique - Inner Focus: You enter Inner Focus, granting you a damage bonus for a short time. Activating Inner Focus when more than one segment of the charge bar is highlighted will yield higher damage bonuses for each additional segment.
  • Southern Technique - Mortal Coil: Throw your off-hand blade and pull the enemy towards you. If it strikes a boss, you are pulled towards the boss instead. This technique does not consume any of your Inner Focus charge bar.


Wanderer's Ambition Location 

  • All Weapons can be acquired as random loot from Enemies, Quests, and Mission Rewards.


Wanderer's Ambition Notes & Tips

  • Notes and tips go here.


Dual Blades
Blades of Cruelty  ♦  Blades of Regret  ♦  Brimtide Cleavers  ♦  Conviction  ♦  Duskblades  ♦  Flutter  ♦  Gilden Stormflayers  ♦  Hands of Alaz  ♦  Hope's Lament  ♦  Jade Slivers  ♦  Last Victory  ♦  Lethe  ♦  Mercy  ♦  Miyok's Fangs  ♦  Obsidian Blades  ♦  Perseverance  ♦  Rexaara's Teeth  ♦  Rhymeblades  ♦  Ritualist's Talons  ♦  Stormflayers  ♦  Thoronhir's Talons  ♦  Twin Dragons  ♦  Witherweaves


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